Friday, October 2, 2009

My forgotten Camera and my new friend who isn't really that new.

Ok, so it's been a week and I haven't posted. Why? I hear you ask! Because, my dear readers (yes, I know for a fact there is more than one of you ;-) ), I keep forgetting to take out my darn camera to take photos for you!! I'm not sure I'm good at photos anyway. I always forget my camera, I'm rubbish at getting it out when I do have it to 'capture the moment', and I'm really bad at downloading them to my computer and then figuring out how to edit and stuff to show people. I need to get better at these things. No pictures is boring for a blog, even for someone like me who enjoys words so much. I need to try and form it into a new habit for next week.

I could have especially done with it today to take some photos of La Reggia when I went down to Venaria, which is a town on the outskirts of Torino. I went to meet up with a lady whose husband's family live there whom I met on a forum where I go to share my frustrations of living in Italy and get much needed support and useful info. It was a fantastic morning. She understands where I'm coming from, she is English and, best of all, she is fantastic company!! Shame she doesn't live here anymore, but I will still get to chat on the forum with her. I love the internet, as most of you know, and forums make life particularly bearable imho. It has given me a taste now to meet more of my fantastic forum friends. I should have pushed to do it with some of the UK ones in the summer and it is a mistake I must rectify... and above all, I must remember to take the camera!


  1. Hi Indie, It's lovely to see you blogging again and I can't wait to see all the lovely pics you're going to take. Much love and big hugs Heather xxx

  2. Hi, glad you had a lovely time this morning, I know what you mean about cameras - I either don't have mine with me or it just doesn't quite make it out of my bag!


  3. Glad it's not just me Agnes!! I have had so many holidays where the only pics I get are the ones taken out of the car window on the way home when I've panicked and remembered the camera.

    I promise, Heather, that I will get some piccies up next week. It is a new (positive!!) habit that I intend to get into...

  4. Hey just wanted to say Hi and I'm gonna try keep up with reading your blog more again and see whats going on. Will look forward to some piccies and I hope blogging will help with some of the struggles you're having there. It can be quite cathartic to write things down can't it. I miss it sometimes. Take care. Jen. x

  5. You've put your finger right on it!! One of the reasons I don't blog as much as I should is putting up the blasted photo's! People like photo's - so I don't keep my blog up! I got frustrated with the Naples one and just wanted the post up before it was old news!! Blogger really isn't photo friendly I find. Most of mine end up on Fb now which is frustrating too but less so!!

  6. I rarely take my big camera with me so I find my Iphone to be so helpful for capturing quick photos without feeling annoying! Happy blogging -I'm excited to check in and see your space here - and maybe a photo now and then?!
