Friday, October 2, 2009

My forgotten Camera and my new friend who isn't really that new.

Ok, so it's been a week and I haven't posted. Why? I hear you ask! Because, my dear readers (yes, I know for a fact there is more than one of you ;-) ), I keep forgetting to take out my darn camera to take photos for you!! I'm not sure I'm good at photos anyway. I always forget my camera, I'm rubbish at getting it out when I do have it to 'capture the moment', and I'm really bad at downloading them to my computer and then figuring out how to edit and stuff to show people. I need to get better at these things. No pictures is boring for a blog, even for someone like me who enjoys words so much. I need to try and form it into a new habit for next week.

I could have especially done with it today to take some photos of La Reggia when I went down to Venaria, which is a town on the outskirts of Torino. I went to meet up with a lady whose husband's family live there whom I met on a forum where I go to share my frustrations of living in Italy and get much needed support and useful info. It was a fantastic morning. She understands where I'm coming from, she is English and, best of all, she is fantastic company!! Shame she doesn't live here anymore, but I will still get to chat on the forum with her. I love the internet, as most of you know, and forums make life particularly bearable imho. It has given me a taste now to meet more of my fantastic forum friends. I should have pushed to do it with some of the UK ones in the summer and it is a mistake I must rectify... and above all, I must remember to take the camera!